Highlights: May 1999 Issue IBM Japan: Modifying a Global Ad Campaign for Japan Launched in the US in October, 1997, IBMs E-business ad campaign appears in nearly every country where IBM does business. But as so many know, it takes special knowledge of the country to ensure the success of such a campaign in Japan. What factors needed to be taken into consideration? In what ways was the campaign made local? An interesting story and good lessons for foreign marketers interested in building recognition for their brands in Japan.Emeritus: A New Model for Assisted-Living in Japan Senior housing is going to become an enormous industry in Japan within a few years. And when it does, US-based Emeritus Corporation will likely be a major player. Have you visited Okayama prefecture lately? Know much about the company's Japanese partner? This is the story. Japan Insight: Get the Scoop Look for basic materials firms to get involved in cross-border M&A; Williams-Sonoma's Japan plans -- are there any?; corporate museums in Japan can be quite informative. A Specialist Offers Advice: "Bankruptcy in Japan: An M&A Primer for Executives" (Part Two): Buying distressed Japanese companies is a way to gain nationwide distribution and market position in Japan overnight. Merrill Lynch, Cargill, and GE Capital are examples of foreign companies who have used this unique strategy. What are the difficulties, and what are the considerations you should weigh? Our specialists spell it all out in this second of a two-part feature. Japan Observer Can you the appreciate the pervasiveness of automation in Japan's daily routine? Our writer explores. Plus much more... Click here to subscribe, or order this back issue after August 1, 1999 [Main] [Newsletter Home] [Current Issue] [Back Issues] [How to Subscribe] [Subscribers] [Contributors] [Our People] [Free E-Mail Update] [Contact Us] |