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Highlights: March 2003 Issue

SPECIAL REPORT: Japan's Private Equity Market

Private equity, especially the MBO model, is still a novel concept in Japan, understood by only a few, favored by even fewer, practiced by just a handful.  But there are lots of companies and business units for sale, and dozens of deals now close each year.  What is the direction of the market, and where are the near-term opportunities?  In our exclusive special report, a variety of Japan private equity dealmakers weigh in with their opinion.   We analyze key issues including deal structures, exit strategies, and how various firms, both local and foreign, are gearing up.  And a chart showing key metrics for more than thirty selected Japan deals tells the story of a market that is about to explode.

A Specialist Offers Advice: "How Japan's Managers in China Ensure the Sharing of Corporate Values" (Part Two)

The legend of Japanese-style management, lauded all over the world just more than a decade ago, may be dead, but there are more than a few examples of Japanese companies setting a new standard for how to manage production subsidiaries in China.  In the second of a two-part series, our specialist offers more examples of Japanese companies which have been able to translate corporate values to their Chinese workforces, and in doing so, ensure a level of productivity and loyalty that is to be envied.

Changing the Office, Changing Japan: The Steelcase Japan Story

"The configuration of the traditional Japanese office into 'sections' is 130 years old," explains the president of Steelcase Japan, one of the world's largest manufacturers and marketers of office furniture and technology.  As innovative Japanese companies begin to recognize that "the office can be the most visible symbol of organizational change," Steelcase Japan is poised to take advantage of and penetrate deeply into the many opportunities that result from a restructuring Corporate Japan.  Read how this manufacturing giant works with partners and develops unique concepts to grow its Japan business.

Japan Insight: Get the Scoop

Why BP Japan really gave up on retail gas stations; How one foreign-owned venture support organization, or incubator, stays true to its original mission; Etc.

From the Editors

Our Questions...

Plus much more...

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